“Be extra conscious of the power of kindness” –  James Thorburn, CEO


Sunday 14 November was World Kindness Day and we wanted to highlight this event. 

Kindness is a core value for everyone in care. The way we work together and how we behave makes such a difference. Kindness helps us to feel connected with one another. It is good for our mental wellbeing. It motivates and inspires. It spreads happiness.

I’m proud of everyone in the City & County family who day in day out show kindness and compassion. I see such fantastic examples of this amongst our care workers and branch teams when I visit them and go out on care calls.

Our Care Heroes Award winners this year are great examples of kindness is action, but I know there are many more of you out there who are going above and beyond every day and making a world of difference to our service users lives with simple acts of kindness.

So, whether you are on the frontline, working in a branch, or in a central operations support team, let’s always try to be extra conscious of the power of kindness and the difference it makes as we go about our busy lives.

Thank you to all our City & County staff for everything you do.
