United for Ukraine in Sunderland
Nicole Donoghue, Registered Manager for Comfort Call asked us to share a recent activity in the North East to support families impacted by the war in Ukraine.
Nicole told us, “The Sunderland team have been collecting items to send over to Ukraine. All of the office staff and care workers have really pulled together and donated so many items such as clothes, blankets, toiletries, baby products and sanitary products.
“Everyone was so happy to help and to donate anythi
ng they could – I am so proud of our Sunderland Teams”.
Such amazing generosity everyone. We’re certain that your donations will be hugely appreciated by the people affected by the conflict.
Chilling out at Monica Court
Comfort Call’s Chantelle Rowlands recently organised an ice cream van to visit residents at the Monica Court extra care scheme in Salford. Joanne Brannen, Regional Manager – North West and West Yorkshire, sent us this amazing pic:
Joanne told us, “I could just eat one”! We totally agree Joanne – very jealous!
A magnificent mural for Westbourne Park
Service users and staff at London Care’s Westbourne Park Dementia Day Centre were extremely lucky to have the opportunity to design a personal mural for the day centre. The project took place over an eight week period in partnership with Creative Art.
Joanna Budhu, Day centre coordinator at the centre sent through this striking picture of the finished mural. The mural was painting directly onto the wall and included plaster casts of hand prints.
Joanna said that “the process was messy but lots of enjoyment!” We’re sure it was great fun Joanne and it looks like the mural adds a real dash of colour to the centre. Such amazing creativity from everyone involved.
Communicating care at Meridian FM
Katie, the manager of the Lingfield Lodge extra care scheme in East Grinstead, along with our Local Regional Recruiter, Mark Piper, took to the airwaves of Meridian FM today to spread the word about care recruitment.
Katie spoke about the kinds of service we provide at the scheme, with Mark covering the benefits of working in care and working for London Care.
Mark told us, “It was a great session with Clare at Meridian FM and it went really well. It was great exposure for our new extra care scheme in East Grinstead and I am positive this will spread the message in the local area.”
What a creative way to get the word out about care recruitment Katie and Mark. We’re looking forward to seeing how the local community respond to your appearance – hopefully including plenty of new recruits to the City & County family.
Mental health and wellbeing
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), good mental health is related to mental and psychological wellbeing.
Over the next three months we’ll be looking to build our awareness and understanding of mental health. We will also provide tips and strategies to help learns ways to manage our mental health and wellbeing, from relaxation techniques, to the importance of self-care and how to build confidence to talk about mental health concerns.
Watch out next week as we acknowledge the start of Stress Awareness Month.
You tell us what matters
We are building an approach to wellbeing that works for you. To do this, we want to hear from you to help shape the campaign over the coming months. Email us at communications@candchealthcare.co.uk to tell us what matters to you, what concerns you have and any tips you’ve discovered which you would like to share.
Isaac’s care superheroes
Finally, Demi Catterall – a Branch Manager for Human Support Group in Carmarthen and Milford Haven – has sent us in a truly inspiring story.
Demi contacted us to say, “My little boy was asked to go to school dressed as his superhero. Whilst all of his friends went as Superman, Hulk or Spiderman. Isaac (7years old) chose to go as a ‘carer’ because, in his words. ‘They are the real heroes helping poorly people and looking after them’.”
We are incredibly delighted to report that Isaac won the ‘best dressed’ competition and was very proud when explaining his reasoning why he chose to be this superhero! Thank you for so much sharing Demi.