Early Jubilee celebrations in Middlesbrough

Charlotte Groves, Care Coordinator at Human Support Group in Middlesbrough, has let us know about their big jubilee celebrations. The branch team has organised a raffle for the big day, with a range of donated prizes available for service users.

Charlotte explained that, because the team wanted to make sure that the winning ser

vice users could enjoy their goodies through the extended celebrations, they picked the winners a few days early.

We’re pleased to confirm that the winners are Andrew Kelly, Joyce Addison, Elizabeth Taylor, Carmel Jayasuriya and Peter Rawlinson.

Walking for Cancer Research in East London

Amal Rziek and the team at London Care East London have pledged to walk an impressive 1,000 miles through the month of June to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Amal told us, “We are doing this to raise more awareness and honour one of our fantastic Care Workers, who is battling cancer as we speak.

“I would love if City & County employee can back the team in raising as much money as possible and raise awareness by sharing the link to our fundraising page.”

Such an amazing and worthy cause Amal – especially when supporting one of your own colleagues. You can find out more about the team’s progress and donate to support the fight to beat cancer on their fundraising page here.

Capturing our customer’s voice

A big thank you to some of the branch staff from Carmarthen, Middlesbrough and Preston, who have helped us to review a new QA form and process to capture our customer’s voice. We received some really useful and constructive feedback to progress an initial draft, and are really grateful to have operational input at this design stage.

We’re working towards a new more person-centred approach to our existing QA forms, to really capture how our service users feel about their service, putting them at the heart of what we do. We’re keen to relate this back to key outcomes and to identify where we are making improvements to our service over time.

Our next steps are to finalise the design, ready to pilot this in our complex care service. We’ll capture initial feedback here, before rolling this out to our homecare services later in the year! We’ll keep you updated!

We plan to have working groups with operational teams for other topics in the future. If there is something you are keen to see improve and would like to be involved in, please let us know your idea and we’ll reach out to you! There is no idea too big or too small! Email us : modelbranch@candchealthcare.co.uk

Artistic activities at Westbourne Park Day Centre

Joanna Budhu and the team at Westbourne Park Day Centre in London were extremely lucky to have a professional artist come into the centre recently. Over a four week period, the artist worked with a selection of their service users to complete personalised framed pictures.

Joanna told us that, “each picture represents what is important to each person. The range of pictures now hang on the wall in the dining area for all to enjoy.”

What a creative way to help your service users express what matters to them Joanna, we’re certain they all had a fantastic time creating their frames.

A grand day out for Hayley and Cath

And finally, take a look at this photo of our royal representatives – Hayley Wells and Cath Stobbs – who recently attended the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace.

Hayley told us, “We were given the opportunity to attend through City & County and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, which we are both very grateful for. It was a fantastic day.”

We’re so glad to hear that you both enjoyed yourselves at the event – looking suitably spectacular as well!