Care worker spotlight: Care Worker of the Year – Leanne Gardiner
As part of Professional Care Workers’ Week, we want to shout loud and proud about the great work of our City & County frontline care workers. Here, we are shining a spotlight on Leanne Gardiner – winner of the Care Worker of the Year Award at our Care Heroes Awards 2022.
Leanne was nominated by her branch manager, Sam Price, from Abacare, Ebbw Vale branch, Wales. We asked Sam why she had nominated Leanne and she said, “Leanne doesn’t realise what an excellent job she does. She doesn’t see herself as doing anything out of the ordinary. Leanne has been a hardworking and dedicated care worker for 19 years and I can honestly say that she embraces every aspect of the job. She treats all her clients with dignity and respect, and she is always enthusiastic, even during challenging times. Leanne has a positive attitude and demonstrates strong leadership too; she’s got an excellent attitude and is a wonderful role model. She deserves this award and as a branch we are so proud that she won”.
Here Leanne (left) is pictured receiving her award from Jane Townson, CEO, Homecare Association.
When asked about how she felt about winning the award, Leanne said, “I was overwhelmed! It’s nice to be appreciated for what I’ve done. I’ve been a care worker for such a long time – I just never knew that people thought of me this way. It’s great to see care workers getting recognition like this.”
Congratulations to Leanne on winning the award. We will be featuring the full interview with Leanne on the City & County blog page soon.
Max Wurr’s marathon challenge!
Our Director of Policy and Communications, Max Wurr, and his wife Marion, will be running the Royal Parks Half Marathon on 9 October in aid of the Care Workers’ Charity.
The charity is also the official organiser of Professional Care Workers’ Week which was held this week, 12-16 September. If you would like to donate or find out more about the half marathon – please visit Max’s Just Giving page
Good luck Max and Marion!
Coronavirus update – autumn booster vaccine
The NHS is now offering the COVID-19 autumn booster vaccine.
Family carers, pregnant women, those over the age of 65, and all frontline health and care workers are eligible to get their jabs now.
If you are eligible, you can book your COVID-19 booster via the National Booking Service. In some areas, walk-in centres may be offering the booster vaccines so do look these up and get your booster vaccination as soon as possible.