Showing support for Ukraine

We’re proud to hear that so many of our teams have shown incredible generosity in supporting people affected by the war in Ukraine. This week alone, we’ve received two heart-warming stories about the difference our staff are making for families impacted by the conflict.

Firstly, Joanne Brannen has let us know about a charity fundraiser which took place in Monica Court on Saturday. The Comfort Call team at the Extra Care scheme in Eccles arranged a buffet and a singer to entertain everyone. The team raised an impressive £464 for the children in Manchester hospital who have been brought from Ukraine for treatment. Joanne told us that, “everyone seemed to really enjoy it! Well done to Chantelle and the team from Monica Court.” Secondly, Sandra Walker, Regional Manager for the North East, shared this photo of flowers received by the team at Darlington. Branches across the north east – including Comfort Call, Careline and HSG – collected donations to send to families in Ukraine.

A colleague, who is from Ukraine and whose family live in Kyiv, sent the flowers and a message to show her appreciation for the donations, writing:

“I wish to thank all of my colleagues and others who have been very kind hearted by donating all the essentials and warm clothes to the unfortunate victims of this awful war in Ukraine. You have been so very kind and generous.”

We couldn’t have out it any better. Thank you for everything you are doing across the City & County family to support the people of Ukraine.

World Hand Hygiene Day 2022

World Hygiene day is 5th May. Hand Hygiene is the most effective but inexpensive solution to prevent infection. This year the theme is focused on quality and safety through encouraging healthcare staff to cleanse hands at the right times with the right products.

Because of this, our Complex Care division have assigned a group of Champions who will be doing a Hand Hygiene Campaign at ten complex care branches over the coming weeks.

If you’d like to get involved, the branches are:

  • Croydon
  • Brighton
  • Colchester
  • Cardiff
  • Peterborough
  • Nottingham
  • Rochdale
  • Tees Valley
  • Telford

Each branch will have activities on the 5th May so come celebrate with us where you can win a prize, be shown how to, and when to attend to Hand Hygiene.

Let’s Talk About Stress: Stress Awareness Month 

Stress Awareness Month is held every April, to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for stress.

We all experience stress—at any age and throughout life. The right amount of stress, like a deadline coming up, can be motivating and just what you need to get energised. But too much stress can affect your health and wellbeing and can cause symptoms such as sleep problems, stomach aches, headaches, irritability, feeling anxious, and more.

It’s important that we take time to understand what is causing us personal stress and learn what steps we can take to reduce it for ourselves and those around us.

Here are some ideas to help you take the first steps on a stress awareness journey.

The 30-day challenge

Join The Stress Management Society’s 30-day Challenge, which encourages you to pick one action each for your Physical, Mental and Emotional Wellbeing to carry out every day throughout April.

To help we’ve attached a template and examples of the variety of ways we can support ourselves in recovering from daily stress.

It takes 30 days to turn actions into habits. The 30-day challenge will maximise your chances of turning useful knowledge and techniques into positive behavioural changes. Why not start today!

What else can I do during Stress Awareness Month?

  • Talk about Stress and its effects – lets work together to reduce the stigma that is associated with stress by talking about the topic openly and freely with friends, family and colleagues.
  • Share your coping mechanisms – if something has worked for you why not share it. It might benefit someone you care about and in the meantime, it might help you take your focus off your own challenges.
  • Be nice to those who are stressed and anxious – we are all undoubtedly going to experience stress and anxiety in our lifetime so treat others going through it with compassion and empathy.
  • Look after yourself – we all need to think more about self–care. Take time out of your day to relax or do something that you enjoy. Don’t forget to exercise and eat well, even when you feel too stressed.

Additional External Support

Praise in Preston for calm heads in a crisis

Ross McCrann, Branch Manager for Guardian Homecare in Preston has asked us to share his appreciation for the local Crisis Support Team this week.

After the team quickly stepped in to support a client in the area, a representative of the local Adult Services team got in touch with Ross to share the client’s thanks, writing that the team “were ‘lovely’ and ‘so helpful’ and amazing people”.

Ross commented, “It’s great to receive such positive feedback and kind words about our care staff who are consistently under pressure at the minute, but still able to make such a positive impact and impression on people”.

We couldn’t agree more Ross, sounds like the team made a real difference in a difficult situation for this client, and it’s always amazing to receive such praise from our Local Authority partners. Well done everyone.

Recognition for the team in Durham

Finally, Kim Elliott, Branch Manager at Human Support Group in Durham has asked us to help her recognise some of the amazing work being done by the teams in the Durham area.

First of all, Kim has shared this fantastic picture of the local recruiters from Human support Group and Comfort Call Durham.

Kim told us that the team has made a big impact at local recruitment fairs, and commented, “Keep up the good work ladies”.

Kim has also asked us to share her appreciation for their well-deserved carer of the month, Pauline Paton.

Kim tells us that Pauline – who is pictured here with her prizes presented by the branch – is an incredibly dedicated and valued member of the team. Kim said that Pauline “always goes above and beyond in her role”. Well done Pauline!

Is your team doing anything unique to recruit and retain staff that you’d like to share across the City & County family? Let us know and we’ll include your ideas in a future Weekly Roundup email.