Thanking our Scottish branches on Burns Night


Today (25th of January) is Burns Night in Scotland, so we’d like to wish our colleagues in Scotland “a very Happy Burns Night” and say thank you for all the great work they are doing.

Wendy McCall, our City & County Regional Director for the North, Northern Ireland & Scotland said:

“I would like to say a massive thank you to all our Scotland-based branch teams and care workers. Our branches there are making lots of good progress on systems  and projects. Thank you also to our frontline care workers who have been battling through the cold and snowy weather to deliver fantastic services across Scotland. We appreciate everything you are doing.”

Burns Night celebrates the life and work of world-famous poet Robert Burns, known as the national Bard in Scotland. The Night is often celebrated with a traditional Burns supper with people getting together to eat, celebrate and even recite Burns’s poetry!

Our City & County companies operating in Scotland currently include: Constance Care, SCRT, Mochridhe, North East Community Care.

So, thank you to all our colleagues in Scotland, and we hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating!

We’re proud to announce the release of our new careers and recruitment portal,, after many months of hard work and development.

Bringing together vacancies from across the CCH group of businesses, the brand new site offers a user-friendly portal for searching and applying to vacancies across the organisation, from the latest care assistant roles to back office and management positions.

Along with that, the website features a host of helpful, informative content on what it means to be a care assistant, working within the sector, guides, life at City & County and more, with a blog coming in a few months’ time that will showcase care assistant stories, insights, resources and a better view into the world of domiciliary care at CCH.

Take a look!

City & County gets a new Careers website

Nice work Nita! 


Congratulations to care worker Nita Chauhan (below, on the left), who was awarded Guardian Homecare’s Care Worker of the Month, in Preston.

Nita’s care coordinator, Melloney Norris (right), presented her with the award in December. Nita was nominated  because of her person-centred approach and how she really strives to make a difference and keep service users safe.

Nita has shown extraordinary empathy and compassion and has gone above and beyond to support a gentleman in Guardian’s reablement service recently.

Well done Nita for being a  great role model for our care workforce.

Many of our care companies and branches organise and run their own ‘Care Worker of the Month’ schemes to recognise the great work of City & County care staff.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


City & County Healthcare Group would like to wish everyone a “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”.



We would especially like to say a huge thank you to all our care workers, who work extremely hard to provide personal care to those who need it most in our communities. Thank you for kindness, compassion, patience and resilience.

We would also like to thank all our office and support staff who help to keep our care services running. Thank you for your invaluable contributions this year.

We look forward to working with you in the New Year and wish you all well for 2023.

Happy Hanukkah – Jewish festival of lights


As well as Christmas, this time of year also brings the festival of Hanukkah. This is the Jewish Festival of Lights.

This year, Hanukkah began on the Sunday 18 December and ends on Monday 26 December. The festival lasts for eight days. Its origins date all the way back to 164 BC when Judah re-took the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, restoring and re-dedicating the temple to the Hebrew God.

Hanukkah, meaning ‘dedication’, commemorates the miracle of light that occurred during the restoration of the Holy Temple. There was only one vial of oil left to light the temple’s candelabrum, which seemed severely insufficient, but the candelabrum stayed lit for eight days, allowing more oil to be acquired to complete the full restoration and dedication of the temple.

During Hanukkah, it is tradition to have an eight-candle menorah in remembrance of this miraculous event, lighting a single candle each day to signify the eight days that the candelabrum stayed aflame for.

Hanukkah is seen as a ‘home holiday’, with no ritual taking place at the synagogue. Families celebrate Hanukkah at home with loved ones. Gifts are exchanged on the sixth night of Hanukkah between family and friends and many also make donations to charities.

We wish a happy Hanukkah to all our staff and service users who are observing the festival this month.

“I’ve always wanted to give something back”


Tracey Webster is a Branch Manager for one of our City & County care companies. Here she talks about why she works in care and the different roles she’s held:

How long have you worked in care?
“I’ve worked in the care sector for 35 years. I used to work in a care home but then I moved into dom care. I started my career as a care worker in Manchester but then moved to Wales about 21 years ago. I’ve had a very varied career in a nutshell.”

How did you progress to your branch manager role?
“While doing care work, I went on to become a care supervisor quite quickly, and then stepped up to become a care coordinator.

In 2006 went for a branch manager job where I was working at the time. I  felt I had the passion the role needed. So I went for it –  and got the job.”
Why did you choose to work in care?
“Main reason for me, was to look after people. I’d see old people struggling as they’re walking down the street, and my heart would go out to them. My grandma would often say ‘there’s an old lady down the street needs some help’. We would go and do her shopping for her and elderly neighbours and so on. They didn’t have any care in place as far as we knew.

It’s something I always wanted to do. Initially, I wanted to be a nurse but I decided on care instead due to the flexibility.

I’ve always wanted to give something back to the community.”

Our Care Coordinator of the Year – Claire Bulmer

Read our interview Claire Bulmer – winner of the ‘Care Coordinator of the Year Award ’ at our Care Heroes Awards 2022. Claire was presented the award earlier this year at a special awards ceremony. Claire currently works as care coordinator for Careline, Newcastle branch.

(Claire (left) receiving her award from Wendy McCall, Regional Director)

What does your role as care coordinator involve?

“I compete care rotas trying to ensure the clients have continuity; I also help social care get their care packages into place through our company. I ensure our compliance is up-to-date with CQC guidelines. I check in on our service users via phone calls.”

You’ve worked in care for many years – how do you stay motivated in your role?

“Knowing our services users’ care is being met and the care workers are happy keeps me motivated. It’s nice to know I help even if it’s a small part.”

How did you feel about winning Care Coordinator of the Year?

“I was very surprised to learn that I had initially been shortlisted. So when I won the award on the night, I couldn’t quite believe it! My first thought was – ‘are you sure?’. I was very shocked.”

What’s your relationship like with the rest of your team and your care workers?

“I’ve got an amazing team of care workers, I used to work alongside them when I was a care worker; we work really well together.”

What made you go for a job in care?

“I used to work as a nursery nurse. I started out working part-time in care because I needed a job that fit around my kids. So, I began doing g care work while my kids were at school during the day.”

You worked as a care worker for a number of years. What was the best thing about being a care worker?

“It’s so rewarding. No two days are ever the same. It’s so rewarding sitting with someone who doesn’t have any family. If you’re the only person they see that day, even for ten minutes, it makes a big difference in somebody’s life. It really does.

“Even as a care coordinator, I’m still out on weekends delivering care because when we are short staffed – I’m happy to do that. I’m happy to wear the t-shirt and pitch in.”

What would you say are the are the qualities you need to work in care? 

“You’ve got to have a clear head on you. A clear mind. Never be frightened to ask for help. You need to be sociable, be able to make small talk, people love it. You need a good memory – being able to remember the little details in people’s lives. When it comes to personal care – you’ve got to be able to do it without batting an eye. You’ve got to be able to make them feel comfortable and put them at ease.”

What would you say are the biggest challenges working in care?

“You’ve got to be able to be able to deal with all types of situations; some clients are easy going, some have mental health issues; some people need the care but don’t want it, they don’t want to rely on people. You’ve got to be able to deal with those challenges.”

Working in care can be quite stressful at times, what do you do to look after your wellbeing, mentally and physically?

“I find exercise and a healthy diet helps. I also make sure I have time off to switch off and relax.”

What do you do in your spare time – outside of work?

“I enjoy a swim in the morning before work this sets me up for day. I do this four mornings a week. I love spending time and doing activities with my young daughter.”


Emma Dixon, Branch Manager at Careline Newcastle, nominated Claire for the award and commented, “I put Claire forward for the award as she is amazing. If it wasn’t for her the branch wouldn’t be what it is today. She is kind, caring and very understanding. She is always happy to help her team and wouldn’t see anyone struggle.”

Midway Care Group Awards – celebrating outstanding care


Friday 11 November saw the first ever Midway Care Group (MCG) Awards taking place at Edgbaston County Cricket Ground in Birmingham. The event recognised the inspirational work of staff at MCG, which delivers care to over 200 adults from across the West and East Midlands.

The awards event was a special occasion to shout about successes and thank those who have given so much to so many. Altogether there were eight different award categories, with 300 nominations received.

Well done to all those who won or were shortlisted – you are all a great example of excellence in care.

The care worker awards presented on the night were:

• Support Worker of the Year – Jennifer Ghent

• Changing Lives award – Owolabi Oyakhire

Dignity in Care Awards – two well-deserved winners


Two of our care workers from MiHomecare (Holloway branch), recently won at the 2022 Islington Dignity in Care Awards.

Well done to:
Sarah Nakato – who won Carer of the Year (Domiciliary care and Reablement sector)
Ahad Kaidoo – who won Carer of the Year (Supported Living sector)

Both winners have been commended for their excellent and professional attitudes, being described by their nominators as “polite; calm; professional; empathetic; helpful; happy, and chatty”.

Thank you – Sarah and Ahad – for being great role models for the care worker profession.

“Be extra conscious of the power of kindness” –  James Thorburn, CEO


Sunday 14 November was World Kindness Day and we wanted to highlight this event. 

Kindness is a core value for everyone in care. The way we work together and how we behave makes such a difference. Kindness helps us to feel connected with one another. It is good for our mental wellbeing. It motivates and inspires. It spreads happiness.

I’m proud of everyone in the City & County family who day in day out show kindness and compassion. I see such fantastic examples of this amongst our care workers and branch teams when I visit them and go out on care calls.

Our Care Heroes Award winners this year are great examples of kindness is action, but I know there are many more of you out there who are going above and beyond every day and making a world of difference to our service users lives with simple acts of kindness.

So, whether you are on the frontline, working in a branch, or in a central operations support team, let’s always try to be extra conscious of the power of kindness and the difference it makes as we go about our busy lives.

Thank you to all our City & County staff for everything you do.
